Do you need a speaker for an upcoming banquet, church event, or conference? Would you like to hear more about SaveOne? Contact us today at info@saveone.org.



Sheila Harper

Founder/President/Speaking Team

  • Sheila Harper is the Founder and President of SaveOne, a global outreach ministry helping men, women, and families recover after abortion. She holds a Master’s degree in biblical counseling, is a certified mental health coach with the American Association of Christian Counselors, and is the author of 10 books. Her first book, SaveOne-A Guide to Emotional Healing after Abortion, has been translated and distributed in 23 languages. 

    SaveOne currently has 330 chapters in 27 countries. Sheila has traveled the world speaking on the topic of abortion recovery as well as training abortion recovery leaders. 

    She has been featured in many magazines and articles about her work in the abortion recovery field and has appeared on The 700 Club, Ministry NOW with Joni and Marcus Lamb, Table Talk with Joni and friends on Daystar TV, and most recently had the great honor of being named one of “Huck’s Heroes” on The Mike Huckabee Show. 

    Sheila and her husband Jack planted Crossroads Church and pastored there for 11 years before working together at SaveOne. After enduring seven years of personal anguish over choosing abortion, she found restoration and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. 

    Sheila has two awesome sons and a brand new daughter-in-law. Jack and Sheila live in Nashville, TN.

    You can order the books, or find a chapter near you at www.saveone.org

  • “By divine design, God chooses men and women to carry out His will and purposes throughout the earth. One of His choice servants is Sheila Harper. Through Sheila's own personal journey, God has developed a very effective ministry called SaveOne, that is literally making a world-wide impact. A SaveOne Chapter is a strategic recovery group that can produce healing and restoration for many in your ministry and community who are silently dealing with the emotional pain that follows the most unfortunate choice of an abortion. Post Abortion Syndrome (PAS) is growing epidemic, but there is transformational hope available. Participants in SaveOne will discover a new freedom from guilt and anxiety. Start a SaveOne chapter today!” 

    Pastor Terry Bailey 

    District Superintendent Tennessee District Assemblies of God 

    Sheila Harper captivated the hearts of the guests at our banquet, with a message that raised awareness and motivated the audience to get involved, give of their talents and resources, and uphold the center in prayer. Many have said that she was the best speaker we have ever had. 

    I have known Sheila for many years and I can tell you that she is a woman of great wisdom, virtue, and integrity. Without hesitation I can say with confidence that you nor your board would be disappointed by choosing Sheila as your next banquet speaker. 

    Melinda Chisum, Executive Director Abundant Life Pregnancy Resource Center 

    “I have known Sheila Harper and her family for many years and have seen God use them in so many ways. One of those ways is the ministry of SaveOne. SaveOne is reaching out to those who have experienced or been affected by the pain of abortion. This ministry is a great way to impact those in your church and community with a message of grace & hope. I fully endorse and recommend SaveOne to every church!” Pastor John McKinzie 

    Hope Fellowship Frisco, TX 

Jack Harper

Vice-President/Men’s Director/Chapter Coordinator/Speaking Team

  • Jack Harper is the Vice President of SaveOne, a global outreach ministry helping men, women, and families recover after abortion. Jack is a certified mental health coach with the American Association of Christian Counselors, and is the author of Gifts from God- His Response to Our Obedience, as well as co-authoring SaveOne- The Men’s Study. This study is available in four languages and is being used worldwide to help men recover from the aftermath of abortion.  

    SaveOne currently has 330 chapters in 27 countries. Jack has traveled the world preaching and speaking on the topic of abortion recovery. He is also a SaveOne trainer, having trained hundreds of leaders to teach the SaveOne studies. 

    Jack and his wife Sheila planted Crossroads Church and pastored there for 11 years before working together at SaveOne. Jack walked with his wife Sheila through the aftermath of abortion, and they have worked together in this fight for life since 2000. 

    Jack and Sheila have two sons and a daughter-in-law. Jack and Sheila live in Nashville, TN.

    You can order the books, or find a chapter near you at www.saveone.org

  • SUBJECT: Personal Endorsement for Jack Harper
    I have known Jack Harper for over 45 years and I am always in awe of how God uses his life to minister to the hurting and downtrodden.  Jack’s ministry is one that is unparalleled in today’s time.  His faith and trust in the paths that God leads him is what books are written about.  As I witness the Hand of God working in the lives Jack and Sheila Harper and the ministry of SaveOne it humbles me to witness God’s grace lived out in their love of hurting people.  Jack’s mercy for those that need God’s love is what draws the sinner to the love of Jesus Christ by allowing those that have reached their lowest points to see God’s true heart.  A heart of forgiveness.  I am blessed to have Jack Harper call me friend.  

    Christian L. Goza
    Major, USA
    Deputy Garrison Chaplain

Vonetta Carter

Chapter Coordinator/Speaking Team

  • Vonetta Carter, understands prayer ushers in Holy Spirit power. She passionately intercedes for others, praying and declaring the Father's heart into every situation. Motivational by nature, she encourages and exhorts the Church body, through public speaking as well as through personal coaching. Ministering to women, from every walk of life, is a call Vonetta commits to wholeheartedly. She understands, from her own experience, how God desires his children to be whole, and to thrive in every facet of their lives- mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially. Vonetta has overcome tremendous trials in her own life enabling her to walk others out of those same situations.

    A chapter coordinator for Save One, Vonetta meets the abortion-wounded, with an open heart and extended hand in their brokenness. With empathy from her own abortion loss, Vonetta shares her story with the liberating truth of God's word setting captives free.Vonetta's candid transparency and journey paint a picture of how God begins work in each of us that he promises to bring to completion. She is wife to Veronne, and has a beautifully blended family of five young adults, as well as three middle school girls. Her three precious grandchildren are a reflection to her of God’s redeeming love.

  • We recently invited Vonetta as a keynote speaker at our “Saved by the Thorn Event”. Vonetta was very relatable and personable, making it easy for those in attendance to open their ears and their hearts to the message she was sharing. She delivered a message of hope, love and compassion that is found in Christ. She is clearly genuine in every regard, also entertaining, insightful, educational and engaging. When you hear Vonetta speak and get to know her as a person, you fully realize that there is nothing artificial about her-- it truly comes from her heart and her relationship with Christ. The numerous post event comments confirmed that Vonetta was not only a great speaker but that she made a lasting impact on the lives that were there.

    Yamaira Sanchez-Vazquez

    In Spirit and In Truth Ministry Director

    I met Vonetta years ago when we shared the stage at the "Ball in the Fall" event. Since then, I have found her to be a person of integrity and a highly caring woman of God. 

    Vonetta has served on my Godfidence Today podcast as a panelist several times. In addition, she is on my speaking team for Godfidence conferences for tweens, teens, and mothers. Her servant's heart has been an asset to the team. Vonetta always stays within the given time allowed and is sensitive to the audience's needs. 

    Maggie Kavanaugh M.S Life Coach




    I am writing to let you know how amazing Vonetta Carter is as a person, speaker and woman of God. She is one of the most genuine individuals I have ever met. She is a powerful speaker and very anointed. She hears from the Lord and does not hold back. I have had the pleasure of having her speak at 4 of my events for ladies ranging from 250-600 in attendance. The audience has always loved her and looked forward to hearing her speak. She has always been faithful to the assignment and has done what was asked of her. She was happy to jump in and pray for the ladies at the altar and to also pray for the other leaders as well as the events. 

    She will make a nice addition to your speaker lineup and will surely deliver!

    Amanda Roberts

    Founder, Ribbons of Grace Ministries

Jennifer Crawford

Chapter Coordinator/SaveOne Trainer/Speaking Team

  • ​​Jennifer Crawford  is a wife and mother who has a fierce desire to serve abortion-wounded women, men and families. Through her own story of sexual assault and subsequent abortion when she was just nineteen years old, she is piercing through the darkness abortion brings with the light of God’s truth. Jennifer has traveled and spoken internationally on the subject of abortion recovery. She proudly serves with SaveOne ministries as part of their speaking team, a trainer for new chapter leaders, and through her local church in Florida. She treasures any and every opportunity to lead people to the truth of Jesus that sets people free, and tell audiences large and small about the God who restored her and gave her the courage to speak for life. 

  • Jennifer Crawford Endorsements

    Jen was amazing to work with and brought a very nice display to promote Save One at our kickoff.

    Her presentation was heartfelt and professional all at the same time. I know that she had a major impact on our audience in helping them understand the heart of the abortion vulnerable woman and the post abortive woman. 

    She represented Save One in a very encouraging way. It was inspiring to hear about the Save One ministry from Jen.

    Thank you for your ministry!

    Aine' Canning 

    Emerald Coast Coalition for Life- Board Member 

    Sidewalk Advocates for Life- Pensacola Program Director

Timothy Hall

International Liaison/Speaking Team/Men's Team/SaveOne Trainer/Chapter Coordinator

  • Timothy Hall was raised in a Christian home, he comes from a long legacy as a fourth generation Christian in his family. Timothy is an entrepreneur, singer, songwriter, and international speaker. Most importantly, he and Kristy have been married for 22 years and they have five incredible sons.  

    While in university, Timothy made some unwise decisions which led into a relationship that abruptly ended because of an abortion. Thankfully, God led him to a church that offered abortion recovery. In 2001, he was the first man to complete the SaveOne program. He found forgiveness, liberty from guilt and shame, and freedom from pornography. God put a strong call in his life to use his testimony to help others.

    In 2004, Timothy’s job transferred him to Europe and he moved his family to Slovenia. There they saw a great need for others to find the same freedom he had found after abortion. The Halls then registered SaveOne Europe as an NGO and began starting chapters in Europe.  In 2009, they were transferred to China and started SaveOne in China, turning over the leadership of SaveOne Europe. In 2012 they moved back to the states and are currently living in Michigan. Today he and his wife Kristy, are the International Liaisons for SaveOne.  


    We have known Tim and Kristy for some years now.  They love the Lord deeply, walk in integrity and have raised a Christ-honoring family.  They have a proven record of service on the mission field as well as in their local church.  Tim will prove a blessing as an inspiring and Bible-based speaker.

    David Campbell

    Teacher. Author. Church Founder.

    Tim has amazing passion and commitment levels to what he does. His concern for others who need to hear the message of SaveOne and receive their healing from the Lord, cannot be measured.  His contribution during the SaveOne South Africa launch was appreciated by all who heard him.

    Tim speaks with clarity, gentleness of spirit, eloquence, full appreciation of the subject matter, understanding of the human condition before and after healing from the effects of abortion, commendable flow of information, and a palpable love for the Lord.

    I have no hesitation in endorsing him as a speaker and would wish him all the best in that role. I would also hope that the selection into the team does not mean that we will lose his input in our infant stages of development as SaveOne South Africa.  

    Mpho Masienyane-Khauoe

    SaveOne SA

    I know Timothy’s passion for the vision of SaveOne and his involvement in the ministry around the world. I have seen his heart toward helping others recover from the post abortion experience. Even in our own church, our members who have received ministry from Tim and Kristy in this area, so many lives impacted and transformed by the grace of God from their efforts. 

    Timothy’s experience and passion shine through in his own testimony. Any time we have an opportunity to have him share her on this topic he excels! 

    Pastor Don M. Smith

    Senior Pastor - Firm Foundation Ministries of Centreville Michigan

Wendi Rawls

Chapter Coordinator/Social Media Coordinator/SaveOne Trainer/Speaking Team


    Wendi Rawls joined the SaveOne team in July 2022 as a Chapter Coordinator and is currently itinerating as an AGUS Missionary Associate in order to transition over to a full-time role with SaveOne. Wendi had the amazing privilege of meeting Jack & Sheila Harper in 2021 when they spoke at a local conference. As she listened to their heart's desire of helping those who are abortion wounded, it started to become a passion in her own heart. Wendi knew that even though she had asked the Lord for forgiveness for having an abortion in 2007, that she had never really forgiven herself. 

    Wendi had the privilege of completing the SaveOne Bible Study and found the spiritual healing she desperately desired but never knew how to attain. She graduated from the SaveOne Program on December 27, 2021 and proudly proclaims that she is FREE! As a Regent University graduate, Assemblies of God Licensed Minister, endorsed AGUS Chaplain, and Pro Life Missionary to the Potomac Network for SaveOne, Wendi plans to use her giftings and talents to glorify the Lord and help hurting and lost people find a gracious and loving Saviour. She could not do this without the support of her amazing husband; Tyler and their three boys; Jaxon, Camdyn, and Brysen. 

    If you are with Wendi then you are most likely doing one of her favorite things which include eating dark chocolate, laughing, traveling, drinking iced coffee, spending time outdoors, singing, eating good food, baking, or sitting by the ocean. This is a new season and Wendi is expecting BIG things as she trusts God with every step and direction of her path. {1 Peter 5:10}

Sonya Wiley

Personal Assistant to Sheila Harper/Chapter Coordinator/Speaking Team

  • Sonya Wiley has served SaveOne since 2017. She is a chapter leader and previously served as a Chapter Coordinator as well. She currently serves as Sheila Harper’s personal office assistant and the social media coordinator for SaveOne. Before coming on staff, Sonya experienced first-hand the healing she needed from a past abortion by attending and completing the SaveOne bible study. She loves to see and be a part of seeing other people’s lives changed forever through SaveOne. Sonya is a strong advocate for life and desires to see abortion abolished in our world! 


    Sonya is the worship leader at her home church, Bellshire Assembly of God. She has spoken and led worship at the My Sister’s Keeper women’s conferences and enjoys sharing her testimony at churches and conferences of how God healed her through SaveOne’s ministry. She is married to the love of her life, Chris Wiley. They have been married for 18 years. They have four incredible kids: Taylor (and wife, Adrianna), Kiara, Isabella, and Alyssa.

  • Sonya Wiley’s story is one of absolute amazing grace. I had the privilege to serve with her over ten years in the Tennessee Ministry Network office. Now the Lord is using her through the powerful ministry of SaveOne. I highly recommend Sonya to you! 

    Terry Bailey 

    TN District Superintendent

    I serve as the Tennessee AG youth director. Sonya Wiley was the primary assistant in my department for years. During that time we had the privilege of getting to know Sonya and forging a friendship. It has been a joy to watch her faith journey, especially as she has stepped into her calling and passion with SaveOne. She has a powerful testimony of God’s redemptive work, not just to be healed of pain, but to walk toward wholeness. Sonya is a voice that needs to be amplified and heard. She is a gift to the body of Christ and I am thrilled to see her being positioned for such a time as this. I strongly endorse Sonya, as a person and as a minister of the restorative work of Jesus.

    In His Name,

    Jeremy Austill

    Tennessee AG

David Williams

Chapter Coordinator/Speaking Team/Men’s Team

  • The early chapters of David’s life are characterized by a confusing childhood followed by years as a young adult filled with alcohol, partying, sexual immorality, unwanted pregnancies, abortion, marriage, adultery, and divorce. At the age of 26, David met Jesus and his life began being transformed daily by God’s amazing grace. Shortly after this in 1999, David left a promising career to enter into full-time ministry to inner-city teens at the City Mission in Cleveland Ohio.

    Over the past nearly 25 years, David has served in various ministry roles at local churches and para-church ministries including the following: Youth Ministry Leader (Rome Baptist Church);Youth Preacher/Missions Administrator (New Community Bible Fellowship); Campus Ministry Staff/Traveling Speaker (Cru); NFL Chaplain (Athletes in Action); Senior Pastor (CrossWay Community Church); Pro-Life Advocate (Cornerstone Pregnancy Center now Thrive Orlando); and Men’s Ministry Leader (SaveOne).

    Currently, David mentors younger ministry leaders and helps men to walk in the forgiveness, healing, and freedom of Christ from abortion and sexual immorality. He is represented by Ambassador Speakers and is a highly sought out speaker by Pregnancy Centers and Right to Life groups throughout the U.S. David also speaks at events, retreats, and conferences for men, college students, and youth. David is often invited to speak on the topic of the Gospel and Race by various ministries and local churches.

    He is a monthly guest contributor on a Moody Radio affiliate and is a frequent guest on other radio stations and podcasts. He has written many articles and contributed chapters in two books: 'Tears of A Fisherman: Recovery of Men Wounded by Abortion' (authored by Kevin Burke) and Ein Neubeginn (New Beginning) - Real Stories of Healing After Abortion (SaveOne Europe). David's story has been featured by Focus on the Family (SeeLife Live ‘21), Chris Fabry Live (Moody Radio), and CTN (Christian Television Network).

    David received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Pittsburgh. David and his wife Terea (his grace gift) have been married 22 years and have been blessed with 6 children. They live in Orlando, Florida with most of their children. David also has an adult son who lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.